Hi beautiful

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thank you!

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I absolutely love this teaching, thank you. I totally believe in cause and effect and the way our actions ripple out into the universe. His actions (the one I cannot bear to mention by name) have created so much damage, and I'm afraid we'll see much more. And I can't be bothered waiting for his just deserts to be served up on a solid gold platter. It's much bigger than that, and completely out of my hands. What I do have time for is loving the people around me, widening my circle of like-minded people and staying committed to my path and putting good work out into the world. I was making a joke (kind of) when I put that statement out on social media. I do want pay back for his heinous behavior, but it's not up to me, is it? I can only be responsible for myself. So I'm putting one foot in front of the other and doing the next right thing. My moral compass is very clear. What a great post! xo

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Thank you for this, Nan! I agree with everything you say here, all so true. And thank you for the writing prompt!

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Love this post so much, Sara, thank you.

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Thank you, Leanna!

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This is great, thank you. Karma has realllllllly been misinterpreted through pop culture!

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thanks, would love to hear more from you on this!

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Seems ripe for a whole post!

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Thanks to Nan Tepper for restacking and the opportunity to read your post. As a practitioner of tantric yoga for over 30 years I appreciate your explanation of karma.

We may never see or witness our idea of karma that he who shall not be named "deserves." Karma can be so misinterpreted. Plus, from my background, one's own dharma (svadharma) and lila (the play of consciousness) are inextricably woven together.

Now that I've had a little breathing space I too am looking at how to stay informed and uphold my svadharma without creating more of a mess or maybe-bad karma.

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Thanks, Paulette. It is a big challenge we are facing!

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It truly is.

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This is so true and reassuring - we can only control how we behave, and yet in turn, that affects how others behave. Practice kindness, sincerity and curiosity, and hope it spreads :)

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Thank you, well put!

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This helped me get clarity on the topic. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Always better to focus on one’s own actions/choices, since it’s the only thing we have hope of changing. I too have been wondering how I can stay informed without becoming stuck in a negative state of mind. I refuse to enter a 4-year depression because of these men. I’m going to try to get into flow state every day that they’re in office, to try to feel as much happiness as possible.

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Thanks, Courtney. Yeah, this is a tough one to figure out!

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Thank you for this great explanation of karma. I’ve been thinking backwards about it here too. I love thé practice of being in my own karma.

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Thank you, Cindy!

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Beautifully said!

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Thank you!

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